Frequently Asked Questions

How can I join the seminar series?

Please click here to view the upcoming seminar series and click on the seminar you wish to attend. You will be taken to an Eventbrite page where you can register for the seminar without charge.

Who runs Therapy for Social Change?

We are a loose network of colleagues, mainly counsellors and psychotherapists, who have broadly progressive views. The TaSC network emerged from ongoing discussions following the Ukraine fund-raising conference in April 2022, organised by Onlinevents and Mick Cooper at the University of Roehampton. Many of us have been involved in the pluralistic practice community: a therapeutic approach which emphasises a social justice value base as the starting point for practice. Currently, the website is being run by John at Onlinevents and Mick, but we welcome new ideas and input into the development of the Network.

What do you mean by ‘progressive’?

In The alternative: Towards a new progressive politics, Labour MP Lisa Nandy and colleagues give the following definition:

 Progressives want to move beyond the current system and create a better one.... Progressives believe in cooperation. We want a supportive and responsive state that brings the best out of people’s instinct to share success and support each other in hard times, and which offers genuine equality to all citizens, together with social justice, civil liberties, human rights and responsibilities, without discrimination on grounds of gender, age, physical ability, race or sexual orientation…. [Progressives] share a rejection of the politics of fear and division, and wish to move towards a more inclusive society in which every citizen not only has the opportunity to develop themselves to their full potential but has as much control as possible over their own destiny and the chance to shape the society in which they live. This way we believe we will build a society that both empowers people and allows us to love within environmental limits.

How can I join the email discussion group?

Please click here and then follow the instructions in the video below.